ATVR Reviews John Pechulis Media

The Lehigh Valley Railroad Volume 1


Producer: John Pechulis

Timeframe: 1940s – mid 60s

Locations: Jersey to Laurel Run

Length: 65 minutes

Sources: A. Angstat, C.& K. Bealer, A. Furler, R. Kulp

First, in what has become a larger catalog of anthracite railroads. A fantastic collection of film spanning the decades.

John Pechulis is the extremely capable, restoration producer. He brings these old films to life! They are colorful and amazing to view.


Mike Bednar was a former railroader. He is knowledgeable in all areas of Lehigh Valley! That includes the railroad personnel.

Mike spent years as a towerman. Rough in voice. Hard to understand at times. Full of great stories!

Apparently, Charlie Bealer worked in the towers, years earlier. Hence, some of the great footage!


He often calls the trains by: locations, desiginations, nicknames, purpose or scheduled compliance. Late: due to blizzard, flood or construction, at the time. Amazing recall on live narration!


John supplies these custom maps. Effective, to keep viewers informed of locations. He even includes some history on yard areas. Note the connecting roads as shown.

A Chapter Menu breaks it by geographic areas. Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Lehighton and more. Obviously, this is how he proceeds with the story.

There is comprehensive coverage. Everything in here, is beyond the scope of this review.


This is Bound Brook, New Jersey actually. This is in 1965. The timeline jumps, in deference to location. One time review accuracy for max effect!

Mike Bednar jumps right in, and continues the main narrative. John will outline the maps. Pay attention, when you watch.


Check the Mikado. Earlier scenes tend to black and white. Interspered throught this program.


This first release moves along at a good pace. Smooth editing. Filled with trains. The Black Diamond, rounds a curve at speed in 1946.

vlcsnap-2019-02-02-05h50m42s444JM1 by East Penn about 1950. Allentown area.

Audio tracks sound excellent overall. Effort has been made to match diesels. Steam sounds play well. Balanced levels to the show.

vlcsnap-2019-02-02-05h47m18s840The 566 is a brand new F7A. Bethlehem, near Calypso Yard.


Treichler’s Tower. Pre 1949. The tower and tracks, are long gone. Railtrail now.


The Asa Packer in 1958. Allentown and those Alco PA locomotives are showing some weathering. Several name trains, are seen at this location. Model railroaders will find plenty of details in this program.

vlcsnap-2019-02-02-05h51m49s751Give me a weathered caboose! The year is about 1950.

vlcsnap-2019-02-02-05h53m11s111Lackawanna Railroad detouring. 1955.

vlcsnap-2019-02-02-06h03m31s357Catasauqua location, train is going under the bridge.


Mauch Chunk Station just east of Bear Mountain. A model railroader’s scene. Sharp, 13 degree curves and a small town!


A major blizzard hits in 1958! Catasauqua Tower.

vlcsnap-2019-02-02-06h07m41s154Mike talks about school being closed for 3 days!

vlcsnap-2019-02-02-06h44m36s638Steam engines work hard in mountainous terrain.


The black and white films are clear.


Lehigh Gap afforded a bird’s eye view, from the Lehigh New England line.


Packerton Yard has a brief, but detailed tour.


I end up in the 1965. Fresh white paint, with a red flag on that one caboose. In a little over ten years, there shall be Conrail blue. Still, there is plenty of Cornell Red…

Lehigh Valley Volume 1.. This is an excellent program. No dissappointments. All good things here. Great for family viewing. Plenty of rerun value.

If Lehigh Valley gets your interest. Start here.

Rating: 5 Stars


By William J. Hudson

I am a creative man.
Writing is enjoyable.
There are my current internet features.
American Train Video Reviews is worldwide,
A musician for many years. Guitar is my main instrument. Enjoy bass playing .Rock and Blues styles. However, Lead Vocals have been a Huge surprise!
The crowd loves my singing. I sound like; Joe Cocker, Greg Allman, with a bluesy tone. Nobody was more shocked than me. A late bloomer.

I love to have some laughs. People think that I am hilarious, and I remain clueless as to why... :)

I hope that everyone enjoys the material.

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