ATVR Reviews Pentrex

N&W Class A 1218

Producer: Bill Lambert

Locations: Roanoke, Bluefield, Birmingham

Timeframe: 1940s- 1987

Length: 59 minutes

Sources: Greg Dodds. Martin Megregian, Chad O’Connor,  Greg Scholl Video, N&W RR.

This show has a Video Rails Production 1987 credit. It is not a Pentrex original but a 2018 Pentrex REMASTER. The artwork, as seen above, is this upgraded version. Original Pentrex 1991 release date.

NOTE: The outer cover incorrectly states a 30 minute length. This Remaster plays for nearly an hour!

The Norfolk and Western 1218 is a huge steam locomotive. This being a Class A type. Wheel arrangement is 2-6-6-4.

Action is from NRHS 1987 Covention. The 1218 has recently been returned to service. This show includes 1218 highlights from other Pentrex releases. The N&W 611 also appears.

Some old, vintage film is included. This documents the background of Class A. Restoration in the Norfolk Southern era. Robert Claytor appears at Birmingham.

A single DVD-R. No Chapter menu. On-screen graphics with subtitles. Narrated by Don Harris. Preview section.

To some highlights…

Vintage film

Aspect ratio is 4×3 full screen. Train sounds. Image quality is much improved versus the previous Pentrex edition. Natural train sounds. Good levels. Excellent colors!

Older 1218 footage here

A fine historical segment. Visit the 1940- 1950s era of the Class A type. Hauling period consists. Mainly, coal moves.

The 1218 coverage includes the rebuilding program in Birmingham. Mechanical types will particularly enjoy this feature. Of course, early runs are seen.

Passing underneath the old Sand Tower at Vickers.

About to enter Pembroke Tunnel

Pembroke Tunnel. Going to Bluefield, WV.

1218 and 611

At Salem. Both 1218 and 611 run side by side. The 611 with a Passenger consist.

Check the articulation as the pilot follows the curve.

Doubleheader action

A 1st at the time. Doubleheader action! At Christiansburg Mountain with 1218 and 611. NRHS Special.

Cab ride

This Kentucky outing does include Cab Ride footage!

High Bridge

Crossing High Bridge over the Kentucky River.

Pembroke Tunnel

An Excursion with 1,000 passengers is hauled by 1218.

Norfolk and Western Class A 1218

The first question. Is the Remaster worth another purchase? In my opinion. The answer is Yes.

The improved colors brighten up the presentation. The earlier version appeared slightly dull. This current release has a sheen to the older films.

A solid presentation. The locomotive’s background and history set this apart from the usual endless runby style shows.

An excellent Norfolk and Western 1218 show!

Rating: 5 Stars

By William J. Hudson

I am a creative man.
Writing is enjoyable.
There are my current internet features.
American Train Video Reviews is worldwide,
A musician for many years. Guitar is my main instrument. Enjoy bass playing .Rock and Blues styles. However, Lead Vocals have been a Huge surprise!
The crowd loves my singing. I sound like; Joe Cocker, Greg Allman, with a bluesy tone. Nobody was more shocked than me. A late bloomer.

I love to have some laughs. People think that I am hilarious, and I remain clueless as to why... :)

I hope that everyone enjoys the material.

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