ATVR Reviews C Vision

Montana Rail Link EMDs in the Rockies Volume 2 The West End


Producer: C. Vision

Locations: Helena, Mullan Pass, Evaro Hill, DeSmet, Paradise, Sandpoint

Timeframe: circa 2014

Length: 2 hours

Source: Mike Savona

Likely the sleeper in the large C. Vision catalog. A spectacular last part, sets this apart! Postcards brought to life. This is an accurate description of the scenes, as this show travels towards Sandpoint, Idaho. One amazing scene after another. Getting ahead of the review.


Here is the second of a two volume issue from C. Vision, about the contemporary Montana Rail Link. Long vanished, are EMDs in Burlington Northern paint. Shiny dark blue here.


The roster is looking prosperous. Newer SD70AC locomotives. SD45 and updated SD40 class power. Some older GP9 or similar types in clean MRL paint.


BNSF units are plentiful, as well. Sometimes in their own solid sets. They can appear in mixed lash-ups. Also, single rearend helpers. Odd looking as that is.


The line coverage is complete. Where the MRL has many points seen with a train or two. Much more of the route mileage, can be viewed. Several maps are included.

The single DVD-R is enclosed in a sturdy plastic case. A detailed Chapter Menu. Choice of the narrative is on/ off.


The Videography is top shelf! Production is first class throughout. The skill level of the Videographer meets and exceeds anyone, on the current scene. Don Grant does the narration.


As a reviewer. It is also my role, to discuss any concerns. In this case, wildfire smoke is visible, in some scenes. Similar to inclement weather. The scenes are completely watchable. Nothing serious.


Audio is natural, Enviornmental Sound. Professional production levels. Show is narrated. Focused on locations, movements and trackage. Could have used additional locomotive information, but not a major miss. The emphasis on train sounds seems to be the priority.


Obviously, at a two hour program length. Only room to skim the surface. Highlights.


The appearance of the newer SD70AC, Electromotive diesels scream, Brute Force! Perfect for conquering mountain grades.


Even with those bad boys on the roster. Nothing is wrong with dependable second generation EMD turbo charged muscle. SD40XR.


Luckily, this was filmed over a few years. A now discontinued local was still working. The Paradise local, as seen here. Also, another the Darby local.


After viewing all the high horsepower diesels. Venerable first generation, Electromotive of LaGrange built locomotives, still get the job done. Some about 50 years later!


Mullan Pass and the area, is often photographed. As is the Continental Divide.


A surprising find. The important Gas Trains. Day and Night scheduled runs. Some pulling along with mixed freight. All trains have their symbols.


Coal has always been a big commodity. A railroad stronghold.


Far on the West End. The beautiful water provides many reflections.


Sandpoint, Idaho is the end of Montana Rail Link territory.


A Montana Rail Link caboose is faded, but completely serviceable.

C. Vision has this; Montana Rail Link EMDs in the West End Volume 2. A great release. The fantastic ending of the second half makes this a must see, for any Railfan who enjoys the picturesque side of Railroading.

Rating: 5 Stars




By William J. Hudson

I am a creative man.
Writing is enjoyable.
There are my current internet features.
American Train Video Reviews is worldwide,
A musician for many years. Guitar is my main instrument. Enjoy bass playing .Rock and Blues styles. However, Lead Vocals have been a Huge surprise!
The crowd loves my singing. I sound like; Joe Cocker, Greg Allman, with a bluesy tone. Nobody was more shocked than me. A late bloomer.

I love to have some laughs. People think that I am hilarious, and I remain clueless as to why... :)

I hope that everyone enjoys the material.

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