Green Frog Prod.

TrainTown Toronto

Traintown Toronto TT Toronto

Green Frog

Length: 56 minutes

Time Period: early 1970’s

Source: Emery Gulash

MSRP: 24.98

Emery Gulash was one of the most notable train cinematographers ever. His vast collection of color 16mm films contains many classic railroads. He was fortunate enough to be able to travel extensively in an interesting era for trains. This show originates at Toronto in the early 1970’s.

Green Frog Productions have produced a fine selection of Emery filmed shows for decades. This release was a surprise. Emery and his friend Walt journeyed to Toronto for a few days of filming the action near Toronto’s main station.

1Canadian National and Canadian Pacific are the headliners in this show. GO and a bit of Ontario Northland are also here.

7Peter Youngblood narrates the tightly scripted program. Many details about operations and equipment result in an informative show.

cn 3155A specially modified MLW RS18 powers a passenger train between Toronto and southern Ontario. This fleet sported a unique livery, as seen here.

rdc torontoThis shot with the RDC set has some of downtown Toronto. The area seems to be miles long. Locations vary and Emery comes up with a plethora of classic Canadian trains. Some hazy weather is present.  Camera is smooth and professional. All color on gorgeous 16mm film.

cp6543 rGreen Frog is commended for their state of the art digital production.

cn3232 c424Emery recorded sounds trackside as well. The soundtrack sounds good. CN 3232 returns with a light engine move at Cabin D. Earlier, these babies were hauling freight.

cn super continentalCanadian National’s Super Continental. It’s long summer consist departs Toronto. This scene captures more of the vastness of the rail network, in the Toronto vicinity.

walt sardinhaA salute to many of the railfans who were shooting trackside. To be Walt Sardinha alongside Emery back in the day. How cool is that?

go9801 gp40tc eastboundGovernment of Ontario Transit. Commonly referred to as GO Transit. This odd locomotive is a GP40TC.

cp6525 s3Some earlier paint schemes are seen on Canadian Pacific. The Pacman livery was new.

Usually, I like to close a review with a caboose. Due to the fact that we see CN and CP equally, let us see two…

cabin dCanadian Pacific, with some wonderful, old 40 foot boxcars. At Cabin D, all switches are hand thrown. Dedicated switchmen await orders, via a loudspeaker system. Hey, I waited all day to get the word via into this review. That’s right, this predates those VIA trains.

cnCanadian National with a pretty as picture money shot from Emery.

TrainTown Toronto is a highly enjoyable visit to the past. An excellent assortment of passenger and freight train action. Plenty of Canadian rarities that will satisfy everyone.

Although Emery Gulash has passed into history, his work lives on. There are many fine titles featuring his great cinematography. In fact, Green Frog has been remastering those shows. As far as TrainTown Toronto…. It is as fantastic as the rest. A must have for vintage railfans.

Rating: 5 Stars

By William J. Hudson

I am a creative man.
Writing is enjoyable.
There are my current internet features.
American Train Video Reviews is worldwide,
A musician for many years. Guitar is my main instrument. Enjoy bass playing .Rock and Blues styles. However, Lead Vocals have been a Huge surprise!
The crowd loves my singing. I sound like; Joe Cocker, Greg Allman, with a bluesy tone. Nobody was more shocked than me. A late bloomer.

I love to have some laughs. People think that I am hilarious, and I remain clueless as to why... :)

I hope that everyone enjoys the material.

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