A&R Productions

Courting Miss Katy

Courting Miss Katy cover

A&R Productions

Length: 2 Hours

Time Period: 1970-1989

Locations: system

Source: Jim Terrell

MSRP: 29.95

Missouri- Kansas- Texas, or MKT.  Filmed in Super 8 with camera audio. Cameraman Jim Terrell traveled to assorted locations on the MKT system.Spanning about 20 years. Viewers will get a brief look at a few red locomotives, but only for a couple of minutes. The green and yellow livery dominates. Most of the two hours, is from the mid to late 1980’s.

Cinematography is generally good. At times, the lighting is: backlit, washed out, or dark. Occasional camera shake. Picture framing is also good. While the show has amateur moments, it is very watchable. Nothing that completely ruins the viewing.

607 88Original films are clean. They are candidates for digital restoration or enhancement.

Audio is skewed to higher frequencies.What is heard is authentic. Limitations are very noticeable. There is no bass.

1989Extra items such as : intersecting trackage, interlocking towers and other structures, are nice inclusions. Stations are another point of interest. Many views of bridge crossings have a dramatic flair. Model railroaders can have a field day with all of this!

mkt313 88

Basic narrative by Aaron Gonthier. Script provides: years, locations and some train info. A few simple maps are here. The maps are minimal. Some Katy background history.

denisonMKT had a diverse locomotive roster.  Rebuilds by EMD resulted in some rare power operating far past the retirements of unrepowered units. Alco and Baldwin locos with modified hoods are the primary examples seen. There is an old F7A which is only used as a B unit. Slug service was the fate of another engine.

Additional second hand railroad engines are interspersed throughout. Former, Conrail, ICG, and Penn Central are seen in hastily applied ‘patch job’ versions.

sherman mopac localUnion Pacific, Missouri Pacific, Southern Pacific, Cotton Belt, Santa Fe and Burlington Northern are also operating. Mopac Canaries, SF and SP Kodachromes are seen.

tower 55

Shortline and industrial railroads, are found within the program.A creosote plant gets a  long visit. Port of Galveston has a few small lines.

UP 8444 is chased for a few minutes to the show’s conclusion.

cab 106Overall, this show provides a comprehensive view of MKT. Digital enhancement would be a major improvement. Railfans do get 2 hours along the Katy.

Rating: 3 Stars

By William J. Hudson

I am a creative man.
Writing is enjoyable.
There are my current internet features.
American Train Video Reviews is worldwide,
A musician for many years. Guitar is my main instrument. Enjoy bass playing .Rock and Blues styles. However, Lead Vocals have been a Huge surprise!
The crowd loves my singing. I sound like; Joe Cocker, Greg Allman, with a bluesy tone. Nobody was more shocked than me. A late bloomer.

I love to have some laughs. People think that I am hilarious, and I remain clueless as to why... :)

I hope that everyone enjoys the material.

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