ATVR Reviews

Southern Pacific Daylight Time

Southern Pacific Daylight Timecover

A & R Productions

Length: 50 minutes

Time Period: 1930’s- 1950’s

Locations: Pacific Coast, Donner Pass, Chicago, Sunset Route, Mt. Shasta

Source: Blackhawk Collection

MSRP: 29.95

A collection of 5 vintage based SP films. Featuring steam era SP Coast Daylights and more. There are chapters on: SP/ RI Golden State, Cab Forwards and steam era Donner Pass snow service. Approximately half of this show is in black and white film.

coastThe early 1937 Coast Daylight footage was from pre- LAPUT days. Train 99 operates from Central Station in LA to Oakland Mole destination. Black and white film is clean. Interesting.

 sp the larkAction along the Pacific Coast with Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo. The Lark is seen here.

gs2 train 99 laSP train number 99 departs Central Station in 1937 at Los Angeles. The GS-2 has it’s counterpart, train 98 scheduled southbound from Oakland.

Ted Daluku narrates a good script. Train sounds are included. The assorted chapters are titled and presented as a series of film shorts. Quality is very good on the whole. One film in particular, The Golden State, seems to have been produced in the 1950’s. Appropriate period corniness for modern viewers.

1952 City of San Francisco Donner PasssnowboundThe City of San Francisco is being freed from the snow in 1952.

4270 ac11SP 4270 is a late model AC11. Leading the Western Pacific California Zephyr at Truckee in 1952.

golden stateJointly operated by Rock Island and Southern Pacific, is The Golden State. Tracing the train from LaSalle Street Station in Chicago, this move winds up on SP’s Sunset Route to Los Angeles. Appears to be a railroad produced film.

F DonnerF units lead trains thru the snowsheds on Donner Pass. This frame has Donner Lake.

tnoSP Daylight Time. The Coast Daylights can be found in full color, on other programs. Naturally, it is still worthy for SP fans. For the rest of us, the vintage era Donner Pass action would be the main reason to acquire this release. A good and informative show.

Rating: 3 Stars

By William J. Hudson

I am a creative man.
Writing is enjoyable.
There are my current internet features.
American Train Video Reviews is worldwide,
A musician for many years. Guitar is my main instrument. Enjoy bass playing .Rock and Blues styles. However, Lead Vocals have been a Huge surprise!
The crowd loves my singing. I sound like; Joe Cocker, Greg Allman, with a bluesy tone. Nobody was more shocked than me. A late bloomer.

I love to have some laughs. People think that I am hilarious, and I remain clueless as to why... :)

I hope that everyone enjoys the material.

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